My baby turns 8 years old tomorrow. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone and it breaks my heart. He has come so far since he showed up 2 months early weighing in at 3 lbs 11 oz. People look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them he was a preemie…can’t tell it to look at him now! We tried for years to get pregnant and my pregnancy was a nightmare but he is worth every second. He is one of the sharpest children I have ever met and has such a unique view of the world and the people in it. I was the total opposite of him as a child…life would have been so much easier if I could have been more like him growing up!
I just went and tucked him into bed and told him about the night he was born. I had been in the hospital for several days with pre-eclampsia. That morning the doctor had told me that my body was starting to shut down and they were going to induce me. They also started giving me that wonderful (sarcastic voice here) magnesium sulfate to control seizures. The doctor told Shannon to go on in to work that night because nothing would happen before Saturday…it was Thursday.
At 10pm that night, Shannon called me to check on me and I told him that everything was fine. My dad had went home for the night but my mom was staying with me. Around 10:30 the doctor came in and said Jacob’s heart wasn’t responding well to the inducing medicine and they were going to have to do an emergency c-section immediately. She told me to call Shannon and tell him not to speed (yeah, right) but to get back to the hospital as soon as possible, she would try to wait on him. When Shannon got there they had already taken me into the operating room. I told him that no matter what happened to stay with Jacob. After he was born, they lifted him above the curtain for a split second so I could see him and then took off to the NICU with him. Mom told me later that Shannon had minded me very well and if the nurse had slowed at all Shannon would have become one with her because he was following her so close.
One of the really neat things was that Jacob was born right at midnight and they asked me if I wanted them to put midnight on the birth certificate and his birthday would be August 31st or did I want them to put 12:01 so that his birthday would be September 1st. I picked September 1st because no one else in the family was born in September and I wanted him to be unique. He definitely is.
I didn’t get to see Jacob until mid-morning the next day and even then I could barely see him…another wonderful side effect of mag sulfate is that it blurs your vision so badly you cannot focus at all. It was another couple of days before I was allowed to hold him. When I finally got him home I don’t think I put him down for an entire year.
i had no idea jacob was a preemie. when i had to go to the hospital while i was pregnant with drew, i was on mag for a week. i think i just about froze tim to death in the room because it made me sooo hot. the nurses couldn't turn down the thermostat in the room any farther!
jacob is such a good, sweet, kindhearted boy. he really is an old soul....sometimes the best things come to those who wait. :)
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