Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fall Break

Back to the real world today...fall break just wasn't long enough! We went camping on Saturday, just down to Boonesboro but even though it's close we feel like we are a hundred miles away. I LOVE it down there in October. If we were wealthy and there was no school for Jacob I would spend the entire month of October there. I would definitely have a nicer camper though. They go all out decorating for Halloween and at night it is just awesome. One of the hosts has several hundred pumpkins on his site with lights strung in the trees and on the grass. We are hoping to go back down this weekend (maybe next weekend too). If you haven't driven through the campground during October you need's almost like Southern Lights at Christmas. They decorated the rec hall with lights, spider webs and ghosts that are set to blink in time to music that is playing over the loud speakers. Nothing creepier than hearing the Michael Myers theme song in the dark across a campground :-) We will be the campsite with the ghost car (spooky voice here) so stop and say hey.


{ s R e } said...

I love it there, too. We used to camp there and we always go to the Horse Park in September...nothing like good camping memories. We'll have to drive down with Drew, it's only about 5 minutes from the house. Maybe we'll see you there!
