Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day

I'm sitting here watching the bottom of the tv screen, knowing that Madison County will never announce "No school" the night before but still hoping. We will probably go back tomorrow and in my mind I know we should because I don't want to be in school all summer but I was able to get such a good start on our Disney vacation scrapbook today that I would love another day to work on it!! Last winter I declared every snow day a day to work guilt free on my scrapbooks. My logic was that I wouldn't have done housework if I had been at school so why should I on a snow day?

Can I just say how awesome the new text messaging system that wlex has is on snowy mornings!! They text message you if your school is out for snow so around 4:30 this morning I get a text message that there is no school. I turned off my alarm and went right back to sleep without having to get up and walk down a cold hallway to the computer.

Shannon got a new cell phone this past weekend and as we are looking through all the options we come across an option that says "Reject List"...for some reason this struck me so funny. I can just think of all the people that I would put on my reject list. I know that is mean but how many times do you get calls and just wished you'd had the good sense not to answer the phone? I would love to have a voicemail message that simply says "You are on my reject list today, you suck, try again later."

