Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gross topic...funny though

After Dad's surgery on Friday the nurse is telling us about his post-surgery care...incision care, med directions, etc. Almost as an afterthought she adds that we might want to get him some stool softeners (sorry Dad) because of the meds and being put to sleep. As we are riding home, Mom is making a list of things she needs me to pick up at the grocery when I pick up his prescriptions and she adds the stool softeners to it. Jacob is sitting in between us and repeats the words "stool softener".

I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what this is so I ask him "Jacob, what is a stool softener?"

Jacob thinks for a moment and then very seriously replies "A really soft cushion for a stool?"

Everyone cracks up...even Dad. This will be a family joke for years to come.
We have had barn duty for the last week since Dad has been unable to do his chores...I've included a picture of Jacob on his way to the barn to help out on one of the really cold days this weekend.

Here are pictures of all of us playing Ravin' Rabbids on the Wii. We are "driving" motorcycles with our butts. I think Jacob is also trying to steer with his face!


{ s R e } said...

i love the way jacob is sitting to the side when you're playing ravin' rabbids....i can hear him giving advice to you and shannon now!
glad your dad is feeling better, what a crazy week. i'm glad you had snow days too so you didn't have to take any days off. see you tomorrow!
