Friday, January 30, 2009

It's snowing...again

I didn't realize we were supposed to get any more snow before next week but there are huge, fluffy flakes coming down right now. Don't get me wrong...I love snow. I will be the first to say how much I want a huge snow that Jacob can play in...enough that they call off school the night before and so on. I don't like ice though! I don't want enough ice that they call off school for an entire week.

I can't complain too much though because through it all we have only been without power (knocking on every piece of wood I can find) for 8 hours. There is a tree limb though that is dangling by a splinter over our power lines right now...the least little bit of wind or pressure and we will join the thousands without power. Keep your fingers crossed for us. My grandparents were without power on Wednesday and refused to leave their house. When it started snowing so much that morning Shannon decided he was going to go up there and drag them out if he had to. Their house was 55 degrees and dropping and they were hungry for something warm so luckily no bodily force was necessary. They stayed with us until Thursday morning when their neighbor called and said the power was back on.

We seldom listen to the Richmond radio channel but Shannon had it on when he went to get my grandparents and they announced that McDonald's was out of food!! I have never in my life heard of a restaurant running out of food. I guess where so many other places and people were without power everyone went there. I just thought that was wild.

We have the prettiest little birds hunting for food in our back yard right now...they are very fat and have a yellow breast. I don't know what they are but I have thrown some bread right off the porch in hopes they will get close enough that I can get a good picture of them.

So far the only bad thing in this experience is the ice broke my cherry tree. It is a beautiful tree and we built our house so that it would be in our front yard...we also threaten the builders if they damaged the tree. This land belonged to my grandparents and this particular tree has always been here...for ever 45 years. I have always loved the tree since I was a child. It has split and fell onto the chain link between us and mom. We can, of course, fix the fence but I don't think there is any hope for my tree.

Here is a pic of one of the trees that are next to our property in the back yard...the 2nd big tree is the one that now has a huge limb dangling over our power line. These are the trees from the house I grew up in.

Mom and Dad have had a lot of tree damage also...Shannon caught Dad trying to pull a huge branch out of the road the other day. Had to fuss at him for that considering he is still restricted to picking up 10 lbs. It is a sign that he is feeling much better and he has worked the last two days by phone to help his guys get through this ice storm.
Blackbirds just came and ate the bread I threw out for the pretty little yellow birds so I give up until later. I am going to go scrapbook. Stay warm!

